Nine trainees have graduated from the CPT peacemakers training in Iraqi Kurdistan cptikApril 5, 2016CPT Iraqi Kurdistan, CPT training, Education for Peace, awareness and learning, human rights
Peace through the eyes of Syrian children cptikJune 16, 2015Education for Peace, awareness and learning, displacement and refugees, nonviolent resistance
Exxon Mobil pollutes Kurdish villages cptikMarch 24, 2015awareness and learning, oil and natural resources, security forces and government, solidarity and advocacy
CPTers demand action to protect Kurdish civilians cptikOctober 9, 2014ISIS violence, awareness and learning, displacement and refugees, human rights, repression and violence, social movement
Alert your networks to the humanitarian catastrophe facing Iraqi minorities cptikAugust 8, 2014ISIS violence, awareness and learning, displacement and refugees, human rights, solidarity and advocacy